Wednesday, April 2, 2008

At the beginning...

For reasons too complicated, too convoluted, and frankly too boring to bother explaining, I recently took an interest in the use of technology in schools, in particular elementary schools since my first child is in Grade 2. I have been reading articles, watching fantastic videos, playing with very cool Web 2.0 tools and in the process sending scads of excited emails to friends and family in an attempt to share this "new world" I had discovered. One of my friends (who I hadn't flooded with emails) suggested that I start a blog and in the spirit of experimenting with all that the Web has to offer I have decided to start Web 2.0 for Parents!!

At this point I am not sure what direction this Blog will take but my hope is to help other parents, like me, who may be a bit behind on "what the kids are doing" start to understand the basics of some of the most commonly used applications and why tech integration in the classroom is important. It is with that goal in mind that I'd like to share a video that was the beginning of this journey.

So put on your adventure shoes and take a peek at what's going on in Web 2.o!! Who knows we may even find some fun stuff along the way!!


GadgetGirl said...

Great Idea! I published your comment about my site (Education 2.0) earlier today and wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your feedback. Great to know people are reading it! Keep up the great Web 2.0 push! You may also want to start twittering. Feel free to follow me...

Jeannine St. Amand said...

Clicked your link from Parents as Partners tonight - welcome to the blogosphere from another "parent blogger" ( I like your approach and I'll add you to my feedreader.

I've only been at this a few weeks too and I haven't had any time to blog lately, but I'll get back to it soon!
